Round-up…all things Austen, and a few others besides

This is a great mishmash, as I have been a tad out of the loop these past two weeks ( I think I am still in 19th-century mode after 4 glorious days in Chicago…), so please excuse the the lack of any order (and perhaps sense) in this selection…

*As always, I direct you first to Austenprose’s Go Gothic study of Northanger Abbey. You will need a quiet day at your computer to catch up, but well worth the effort!

*Ms. Place at Jane Austen’s World has several posts on Bath (on bathing and dancing, in that order…), to accompany Laurel Ann’s NA journey.

*A review of Colleen McCullough’s new book about Mary Bennet:  at The Australian online

*Another Cassandra and Jane (by Jill Pitkeathley) review at the always insightful Ripple Effects.  Blog author Arti also has posted a poll on “Which Austen heroine do you think Jane was most like?”   A good question and one I think has not one answer, i.e. I think that Austen was a little bit like each of her characters…   Arti also continues his Jane Austen reading with reviews of two of the Austen biographies:  by Claire Tomalin and Carol Shields.

*Some fashion thoughts at Pride & Sensibility on an evening dress circa 1823.

*See this interesting blog at Publisher’s Weekly  where the question  is posed:  “which book would you rescue if your house was on fire?”  I did not see a single Austen [or Shakespeare for that matter] in the comments, but they are worth looking at nonetheless (“I capture the Castle” had TWO saves…. I mean I LOVE this book, but really, this over Shakespeare??, though I do understand some of the comments focus on the monetary value of the book they wish to save]  So it is a great question…which of YOUR books would you grab on the way out the door (i.e after you first saved Fido… and just maybe your husband’s golf clubs?)

 *And this from alert Janeite Arthur L. about Elizabeth Jane Howard’s new book:  Love All ~ the name of the protagonist is Mary Musgrove.  See this review of the book at and another at Timesonline.

*Here is a blog I just discovered:  Books Please, Ramblings of a Bookworm that reviews book just read as well as lists of those endless TBR piles!  Like I need another list….

*The Jane Austen Centre Online Newsletter is always a welcome addition to my inbox, and this month’s issue is filled with goodies (including fruit-cake recipes!) [ you can sign up for the newsletter here ]  …in the meantime a few items of interest:

A new book by Maggie Lane The Immortal Jane Austen is available at the Jane Austen Centre shop

-A blog post by Anne Stott on Mr. Bennet in P&P

-Auden’s poem A Letter to Lord Byron on Austen

-The aforementioned Christmas Fruit Cake Recipe (with our best wishes for something edible…)


*Jane Odiwe at her Jane Austen Sequels blog posts about Traveling in Regency England, inspired by a Hugh Thomson illustration, and sites a poem by Jonathan Swift who shares the joys of such travel!

*Regency Reader blogs about Jackson’s, a boxing club in Regency England.

*See the Literature Page for searchable full-text of Lady Susan, P&P, S&S, MP, Emma, NA, and Persuasion.

*For those of you in the vicinity of Riverdale Park, Maryland, there is a Ladies’ Regency Day planned for  Saturday, November 15 at the Riversdale House Museum.  Ladies will participate in cooking workshops, make a period fashion book, Regency readings courtesy of docent and published author, Janet Mullany,and more! The afternoon will end on a high note as participants enjoy tea accompanied by Regency music and harp demonstrations. This is a perfect (and unique!) gift or treat for any Regency or Jane Austen enthusiast you might know of! Registration is $50 for Prince George’s & Montgomery Counties and $60 for everyone else.
[For any questions or to register,  call 301.864.0420.]

*If, on the other hand, you are headed to Brighton (!) for a weekend,  click here for MindFood for some travel tips.

*Bollywood returns with news of an Emma production…

*A review of an Emma production in St Louis’s Repertory Theatre in West End Word; the musical is ongoing through November 2.

*See this article at the Pennsylvania on the stage production of “Jane Austen & Friends” which ponders Austen’s love life.  The play will be at  the New American Vic, 411 Studio, Lackawanna Avenue, Olyphant [PA],  8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays,  through Oct. 26.

*And finally if you are having any thoughts of moving to Lyme Regis, here are some sobering real estate facts.

Tomorrow I promise Letter #3 (finally…) and a book review….

Best,  Janeite Deb

4 thoughts on “Round-up…all things Austen, and a few others besides

  1. I can never say enough “nice” things about Riversdale House Museum – or the woman who brought me there: Rosalie Stier Calvert.

    To see a portrait of Rosalie visit the Museum’s website at:

    One book _I_ would certainly wish to save from a raging fire is her collected correspondence, published as MISTRESS OF RIVERSDALE: The Plantation Letters of Rosalie Stier Calvert, 1795-1821, edited by Margaret Law Callcott (1991). For this American, it vividly brings to life the United States during the term of Tommy Jeff (Rosalie’s nickname for Thomas Jefferson), which of course also is the “era of Austen”. Rosalie was Flemish; her family left Europe to escape Napoleon.


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