Your Austen Library ~ Recommendations

” What a delightful library you have at Pemberley, Mr. Darcy! ”

The following listing of book reviews or book recommendations are titles that have been reviewed on this blog  – previous reviews will be gradually added – in the meantime, you can search the blog for “book review” and most posts will be retrieved… I will be gradually adding new titles that are in my Austen collection that I believe to be “essential Austen” and should be read and added to YOURS!  [This list is A-Z by author and is not divided by subject – you can also check the other links on the Sources & Bibliographies Page.]


Forest, Jennifer.  Jane Austen’s Sewing Box: Craft Projects & Stories from Jane Austen’s Novels.    Murdoch Books (Australia), 2009 .

Gilson, David.  A Bibliography of Jane AustenNew Introduction and Corrections by the Author.  Winchester: St. Paul’s Bibliographies  / New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 1997.

Harman, Claire.  Jane’s Fame.  Cannongate, 2009.

Vickery, Amanda.  Behind Closed Doors:  At Home in Georgian England.   Yale, 2009.


[from Ackermann’s via]

One thought on “Your Austen Library ~ Recommendations

  1. Pingback: Your Jane Austen Library ~ Gilson’s Bibliography ~ a Review « Jane Austen in Vermont

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